Located in Misiones, Argentina, the Secretariat of Access to Justice, Human Rights and Family Violence has been operating since 2010. Judicial dependence has the main function of assisting victims of crime.
When talking about victim assistance at this point everything is included. From listening, first of all, to the knowledge of the status of the causes that involve the interested parties as well as the facilitation of bridges that help to improve the particular situation of each affected.
Its head is Fabián Oudin, who also spoke with El Territorio within the framework of this report and explained the operation of the secretariat and reflected on the most questioned points of Justice in the province.
“This office has the role and function of guaranteeing access to justice for the most vulnerable sectors of our society, which as we know we have many throughout the province and that is why we are constituted in different locations and we have an office in each judicial district ”He explained.
Source (in Spanish): www.elterritorio.com.ar/acceso-a-la-justicia-un-puente-para-la-informacion-y-asistencia-43992-et